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16.04.2015 - Fachartikel - Produktionstechnik

Operation ready to use in just a few hours! - Flexible automation in 3D made SIMPLE with "Plug & Automate"

Cost-effective, smart, safe and fast - detect and grab any unsorted components at any height level in the bin picking process

Ready-to-operate in just a few short hours: Automated "bin picking" with "Plug & Automate"
(Initiative Mittelstand)

In the production industry, the times of picking manually from the bin, to find parts that were delivered unsorted and then the effort of having to separate them mechanically, is now finally over. The proven bin picking technology using automated systems has become even more intelligent and is successfully being utilized in more and more applications. Now, ISRA VISION introduces SHAPESCAN3D, a 3D robot vision sensor with even more technological improvements. Even the most complex part geometries can be reliably detected and picked - and at rapid speeds. This system satisfies any conceivable requirement and makes automated bin picking more than cost effective, no matter what the application. And here's the ingenious part: The system is operational and ready in just a matter of hours - no expert knowledge required.

The flexible automation in 3D from ISRA VISION makes it possible to detect and pick any number of unsorted components at any height level. SHAPESCAN3D is smart, reliable and fast. Especially impressive is just how quickly it can be put into operation, unparalleled by anything else in the market. With the "Plug & Automate" technology, the system is operational within just a few short hours - even for the most complex parts. This fast set-up process has already been proven many times in various different projects. Even users without any previous experience or expert knowledge have been able to integrate the SHAPESCAN3D system into their equipment and put it into operation with no trouble at all. The pre-calibrated measuring field and parameter configuration using a clearly arranged graphic user interface make it possible to start production quickly without requiring any support from engineers and technicians.

Another critical feature that makes initial installation so easy is the simple object teaching using 3D CAD data. With this feature, SHAPESCAN3D can work with a nearly unlimited variety of identifiable parts, even those with complex shapes. A newly developed algorithm also improves object detection and allows data to be processed much more quickly. Users can work with the highest flexibility in the workshop and save valuable space, as no additional mechanical solution is needed to separate parts. Dirt and noise disturbance are now a thing of the past.

The sensor is mounted in a stationary position above the bin. It uses a stereo measuring process to efficiently generate a 3D point cloud. Integrated image processing methods are able to extract even complex objects and determine their exact position. The stereoscopic approach based on multi-line projection provides the robot with the position and orientation of the object in a three-dimensional space. The automated calibration and picking planning with an integrated collision check increase the system's suitability for daily use. One simple scanning process of no more than two seconds is all it takes to start removing parts from standard sized transport boxes. The robot-based parts removal from ISRA offers the highest efficiency; making automated production runs an option, where they were impossible in the past or only possible with a great amount of effort. The investment pays for itself in less than a year for all applications. So, the solutions also play a major role in optimizing production costs in general.

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